h2. Linaro Android Engineering Build for Juno (32-bit only) h3. License The use of Juno software is subject to the terms of the Juno "End User License Agreement":https://releases.linaro.org/latest/android/images/armv8-juice-juno-lsk/#tabs-5. h2. Support Please send any ARM support enquiries to "juno-support@arm.com":mailto:juno-support@arm.com?subject=Juno%20support%20request. Engineers at Linaro Members can receive support for Juno by sending support requests to "support@linaro.org":mailto:support@linaro.org?subject=Juno%20support%20request or visiting "http://support.linaro.org":http://support.linaro.org. h3. Known Issues Known Issues are managed in "Bugzilla":https://bugs.linaro.org