/** * Copyright (C) ARM Limited 2010-2012. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include #include #include #include "XMLReader.h" extern void handleException(); XMLReader::XMLReader(const char* xmlstring) { mPtr = (char*)xmlstring; mNoMore = false; mFirstTime = true; } XMLReader::~XMLReader() { } char* XMLReader::nextTag() { static char tag[128]; // arbitrarily set max tag size to 127 characters + nul // Check if past the end of the root tag if (mNoMore) return NULL; // Find start character mPtr = strchr(mPtr, '<'); if (mPtr == NULL) return mPtr; // Skip tag if it begins with '); if (end == NULL) return 0; // Check if tag has no attributes char* tagend = strchr(mPtr, '>'); if (tagend < end) end = tagend; // Check the tag name length unsigned int length = (int)end - (int)mPtr; if (length > sizeof(tag) - 1) { // tag name too long, skip it return nextTag(); } // Return the tag name strncpy(tag, mPtr, length); tag[length] = 0; // Mark the root tag if (mFirstTime) { mEndXML[0] = '/'; strcpy(&mEndXML[1], tag); mFirstTime = false; } else if (strcmp(tag, mEndXML) == 0) { // End of root tag found mNoMore = true; } return tag; } void XMLReader::getAttribute(const char* name, char* value, int maxSize, const char* defValue) { char searchString[128]; // Set up default strncpy(value, defValue, maxSize - 1); value[maxSize - 1] = 0; // Determine search string by ending the name with =" if (strlen(name) > sizeof(searchString) - 3) return; strcpy(searchString, name); strcat(searchString, "=\""); // Find the beginning of the attribute's search string char* begin = strstr(mPtr, searchString); if (begin == NULL) return; // Find the beginning of the attribute's value begin += strlen(searchString); // Find the end of the current tag to make sure the attribute exists within the tag char* endtag = strchr(mPtr, '>'); if (endtag < begin) return; // Find the end of the attribute's value char* end = strchr(begin, '"'); if (end == NULL) return; // Determine length int length = (int)end - (int)begin; if (length > maxSize - 1) return; strncpy(value, begin, length); value[length] = 0; } int XMLReader::getAttributeAsInteger(const char* name, int defValue) { char value[32]; getAttribute(name, value, sizeof(value), ""); if (value[0] == 0) return defValue; if (value[0] == '0' && value[1] == 'x') { return (int) strtoul(&value[2], (char**)NULL, 16); } return strtol(value, NULL, 10); } bool XMLReader::getAttributeAsBoolean(const char* name, bool defValue) { char value[32]; getAttribute(name, value, sizeof(value), ""); if (value[0] == 0) return defValue; // Convert to lowercase int i = 0; while (value[i]) { value[i] = tolower(value[i]); i++; } if (strcmp(value, "true") == 0 || strcmp(value, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(value, "1") == 0 || strcmp(value, "on") == 0) return true; else if (strcmp(value, "false") == 0 || strcmp(value, "no") == 0 || strcmp(value, "0") == 0 || strcmp(value, "off") == 0) return false; else return defValue; } int XMLReader::getAttributeLength(const char* name) { char searchString[128]; // arbitrarily large amount // Determine search string by ending the name with =" if (strlen(name) > sizeof(searchString) - 3) return 0; strcpy(searchString, name); strcat(searchString, "=\""); // Find the beginning of the attribute's search string char* begin = strstr(mPtr, searchString); if (begin == NULL) return 0; // Find the beginning of the attribute's value begin += strlen(searchString); // Find the end of the current tag to make sure the attribute exists within the tag char* endtag = strchr(mPtr, '>'); if (endtag < begin) return 0; // Find the end of the attribute's value char* end = strchr(begin, '"'); if (end == NULL) return 0; // Determine length return (int)end - (int)begin; }